Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Michael J. Vance, co-founder

Michael Vance, Sr fell in love with music at a early age, however his parents could only afford piano lessons for one child in the family, so his older sister received the piano lessons.

After reading the biography of Mozart and Beethoven in the first grade Michael purposed in his heart to teach himself how to play the piano. Michael learned from watching his sister practice and memorizing the sounds of notes on the piano.

As Michael's parents observed his passion for music and they encouraged him to play the worn out of tune piano with missing notes in the little old country church they attended.

Michael would bang on the piano keys with
rhythms and stomp on the piano pedals for hours as he made a joyful noise unto the Lord. Michael's parents anointed his head with oil and spoke into his life that one day he would become a great musician.

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